Littlecourt Lunch Club (OLD)

Kippington URC ChurchThe Lunch Club is currently Suspended due to Covid-19. Hopefully it will start again in 2021, once it is safe to do so. Details will be published here on St. Mary's Church Website

As part of our outreach, we have, for many years, worked in partnership with the United Reformed Church (URC), Sevenoaks to provide the Littlecourt Lunch Club which meets on a Tuesday lunchtime at the Kippington URC Hall.  The club is mainly aimed at elderly folk in the community, to provide a nourishing meal and plenty of conversation and friendship.   Volunteers provide the cooking teams, transport and administrative support.

In 2005, the club featured briefly on the BBC Radio 4 'Food Programme'.  You can listen to a short extract below:



In September 2019, the club celebrated its 40th Anniversary, with a special lunch. Musical accompaniment was provided by Hilden Brass, and the special guest was Gloria Hunniford.



The club is always keen to hear from additional volunteers who might be able to offer help with organisation, cooking or driving, on a rota basis, once every few weeks.  Also do please let us know if you are aware of someone who might benefit from attending as a Member.

For further information about the club, or volunteering opportunities, please contact the co-ordinator; Deirdre Montanaro or Pam Rankin 

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