Opportunities to Help

Apart from the Vicar, virtually every other role performed in our local Church is undertaken on a voluntary basis, by kind people prepared to offer their time and talents in the service of Christ.  Might you be able to offer to help us in some way, either on a regular or occasional basis?

There is an almost endless number of ways to help, but they can be broadly divided into three areas.  Examples are given below:

Help with our own Services of Worship and Spiritual Development

  • Reading passages from the Bible
  • Leading community Prayers
  • Acting as a Sidesperson and Welcomer
  • Acting as a robed Server
  • Being involved in Church music (Choir and Music Groups)
  • Acting as a Sunday School Teacher or Helper
  • Leading or hosting House Groups

Help with the operation and upkeep of our own Church

  • After-service coffee
  • Church cleaning
  • Flower arranging
  • Bin emptying
  • Candle filling
  • Social committee
  • Churchyard gardening
  • Management (Parochial Church Council)
  • Administrative work
  • Building maintenance

Help with our Outreach where we try to help people in the wider Community

  • Pastoral care
  • Home visiting
  • Helping at the Littlecourt Lunch Club with cooking or transport
  • Transporting people to Church, and on Hospital visits
  • Delivering 'Landmark'; our community-wide magazine

The above is not an exhaustive list.  Training, briefing and support will be provided, as appropriate.  Many of the roles are performed on the basis of rotas, so the demand on time is not necessarily onerous.  Our 'Safeguarding' policies require formal vetting for some roles which involve working with children and/or vulnerable adults.

If you feel you are being called to help with any of the above, in the first instance, please contact the Vicar or one of the Churchwardens for further details and without obligation - see the 'Parish Directory' page for their contact information.  They will be pleased to help you.  We always aim to apply a policy of 'Equality of Opportunities'.  And thank you in anticipation.


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