Bible Study Group

The meetings generally take place fortnightly, on a Monday morning, in the Lady Chapel, 10:00am for 10:15am. Please check with Daphne or Ronnie if you are interested in joining us. You will be made very welcome and hopefully enjoy the meeting. Ronnie/Daphne

Littlecourt Lunch Club (OLD)

Kippington URC ChurchThe Lunch Club is currently Suspended due to Covid-19. Hopefully it will start again in 2021, once it is safe to do so. Details will be published here on St. Mary's Church Website

As part of our outreach, we have, for many years, worked in partnership with the United Reformed Church (URC), Sevenoaks to provide the Littlecourt Lunch Club which meets on a Tuesday lunchtime at the Kippington URC Hall.  The club is mainly aimed at elderly folk in the community, to provide a nourishing meal and plenty of conversation and friendship.   Volunteers provide the cooking teams, transport and administrative support.

In 2005, the club featured briefly on the BBC Radio 4 'Food Programme'.  You can listen to a short extract below:



In September 2019, the club celebrated its 40th Anniversary, with a special lunch. Musical accompaniment was provided by Hilden Brass, and the special guest was Gloria Hunniford.



The club is always keen to hear from additional volunteers who might be able to offer help with organisation, cooking or driving, on a rota basis, once every few weeks.  Also do please let us know if you are aware of someone who might benefit from attending as a Member.

For further information about the club, or volunteering opportunities, please contact the co-ordinator; Deirdre Montanaro or Pam Rankin 

Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals


The Font

We count it a privilege to be invited by people to share in important times of celebration in their lives and Baptism is one such celebration.  

In the first instance please contact the Vicar - you will then be put in touch with our Baptism team and receive a Baptism Application form. 

A date and time for the Baptism can then be arranged – we offer Baptism at the main 9:30am service. This enables the church family to welcome those being baptised into the Church Family.  Owing to the large number of requests for Baptism, the services could possibly include more than one family at a time. 

Prior to the Baptism, a meeting will be arranged with the Vicar as well as one of our Baptism Team who will discuss the practical details of the service. 

For answers to more general questions about Baptism you can visit the CofE website


Wedding ringsWe are also delighted to celebrate marriages and full details of how to arrange a ceremony can be obtained from the Vicar. You will be invited to discuss dates and times and to complete a Banns of Marriage Application Form. Marriage preparation will be arranged and all details for the ceremony will be dealt with in good time so that ‘the day’ will be a memorable celebration. For details of the legal requirements please see the website or visit the CofE website


FlowersSt Mary’s church is the parish church of Riverhead with Dunton Green and anyone who lives within the parish has the right to have their funeral service conducted there regardless of whether they usually attend the church or not. We count it an extraordinary privilege to offer this and the service in church can precede either a burial or cremation. Arrangements are made in conjunction with the Funeral Director.

After the funeral our Garden of Remembrance provides a tranquil place to inter the cremated remains, and in church we have a Book of Remembrance where the names of loved ones are recorded and remembered in our prayers in the anniversary week and day of their death. Garden of Remembrance

Once a year we hold a service of commemoration when we invite people to church, light candles and offer prayers of remembrance for all our departed loved ones. 

A grave locator facility can be found on the following page: Other Information / Grave Locator

Note: You can check whether you live within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Riverhead with Dunton Green by using the following website: and entering your postcode. After selecting St. Mary's Church, the 'Find Us' tab includes a map showing the boundary of the Parish.



PCC Members 2013



(#) Assistant Churchwardens:  The PCC has also elected Diane Williams and Bennet Smith to serve as Assistant Churchwardens.

Further information about the PCC election process can be found by following this link

Church of England News


PCC Minutes

Resources / Links

This area contains links to other websites of churches and organisations that we have a close relationship with as a church or that we find as useful resources for 21st century Christian living. We have also provided you with information you may need if you wish to plan a baptism, wedding or funeral at St.Mary's.

Useful Websites

Action by Christians Against Torture

Alpha Course or Christianity Explored
Find out where there's either of these two courses running in your area.

Bible Society
An advocate for the Bible in contemporary cultures, resourcing and influencing those who shape society and making the Bible heard by all.

Christian Aid
Working through local organisations to challenge the causes of poverty and making change happen.

The Christian Bookshop
Offering the widest selection of Christian Books from the World's most distinguished Christian publishers. Pratts Bottom, near Orpington shop.

The Children's Society
This worth while charity is supported by the parish and the highlight of its year is at the annual Christingle services held held on Christmas Eve annually at St.Mary's.

Christian Enquiry Agency 
The Christian Enquiry Agency provides information for people who want to find out about the Christian faith and its founder Jesus Christ. It does not just give a version of Christianity adhered to by one particular group of Christians ('denomination' or 'tradition'). Instead it attempts to explain and explore what Christians of all kinds believe.

Church of England

Diocese of Rochester

Diocese of Rochester - Monthly E-Newsletter

Sevenoaks Deanery

Churches together in Sevenoaks and District (CTSD) 
Click on their 'Ministries' tab to see all the social action that is undertaken by Churches together.

Church Near You
Enter a location and find the nearest church. Details of each church include a map of the ecclesiastical parish boundary.


Fellowship Finders
Helps young people moving in to new area within UK or Ireland to get involved in a church or fellowship.

Jesus and Me (JAM)
An on-line Advent calendar, and other Christian resources, suitable for children.

Operation Noah
An ecumenical Christian charity providing leadership, focus and inspiration in response to the growing threat of catastrophic climate change.

Parish Councils
Dunton Green

Planning a Wedding
A practical resource for planning your church wedding.

Thy Kingdom
Just Pray

Prayerline  (Note:  not presently operational)
Anxious? In pain? Facing a crisis? Call PRAYERLINE on 01959 561388. A local service operates whereby Christian volunteers are ready to pray for you today - and every day. There is absolute confidentiality, and nothing to pay, except the cost of your phone call.

Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust (SAYT)

Sevenoaks Christian School (Trinity School Sevenoaks)

Spring Harvest
An inter-denominational Christian organization which provides a range of events, conferences, courses and resources.

A Christian relief and development agency working with a global network of local churches to help eradicate poverty.


War Memorial, Riverhead
Website with researched details of those people whose names are listed:

West Kent Debt Advice
WKDA is a free, confidential, money advice charity supported by churches from across West Kent, as well as Charitable Trusts and Housing Associations. Telephone: 01732 300425



Activities & Groups

As a church, we offer many various activities that suit all age groups. This can range from Bible Study Groups for the adults to our groups for children.

We see these activities as a good way of establishing a presence within the community - something which is very important for any church. Over the years they have become increasingly popular, with more and more people sending their children to them, or the parents coming themselves.

You can explore the variety of activities we offer, with essential details and contact information by clicking on the links on the left under the "Church Groups" menu.


Notice Sheets & Events

News and Events information can be found in either the weekly Notice Sheet and/or the Calendar; which are the next sub-menu items.

A summary list of dates of Notable Church Services and Events for 2019 can be viewed via this link



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