On Sunday, 2 February 2014, we welcomed David from SAYT to speak to us, at our All Age Worship service, about the work of SAYT. David is one of three detached Youth Workers who work with young people in the Sevenoaks Area, to help them with real-life problems they may face. He also told us about a Murder Mystery fundraising evening - see poster.
SAYT was setup by 'Churches Together in Sevenoaks & District' in 2001. David said that there are many ways in which individual people and organisations can help SAYT; not just through financial support, but also through prayer, as volunteer assistant youth workers, trustees, administrators etc. David specifically mentioned a fund-raising Murder Mystery evening (poster) on Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 7:30pm at the Bat & Ball Community Centre, and suggested that we might like to enter a team. A retiring collection was taken, for SAYT.