This year, the service takes place at 10:30 on Friday, 7 March 2014, at St Mary's, Kippington, with refreshments afterwards. The Egyptian committee wrote this 2014 service at a time of great hope, just after the Arab Spring. The title is: "Streams in the Desert - Egypt".
Further details as advertised by St. Mary's, Kippington:
"We are privileged to host this service on behalf of the ecumenical group of Sevenoaks' Churches. A privilege that only occurs about every 13 years as each church takes its turn.
Women's World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement of informed prayer and prayerful action. More than 170 countries participate, bringing together people of various races, cultures and traditions sharing together in God's word and worship, affirming their faith in Jesus, sharing their hopes, fears, joys, sorrows, opportunities and needs. The first service of the day takes place on the Island of Samoa as dawn breaks. The world is then circled in prayer for 36 hours until the last celebration of this special day takes place in American Samoa.
This year's service has been prepared by the women of Egypt. A country that we know is experiencing difficulties. Our speaker Nardin Thabet, is a young Egyptian women, who will bring us up to date information about our Christian family in Egypt, and their needs for our prayers.
This is a service for men, women and children. In some parts of the world it is known as the World Day of Prayer. It is a chance to be part of world mission.
We do hope you will join us at the service and for refreshments afterwards. This will give us a chance to meet and talk with Christians from other churches in Sevenoaks, and to learn more about Egypt."