Every six years we have to scrap the Electoral Roll and start again and this is the year for that. So if you want to continue to be on the new Church Electoral Roll for the Parish of Riverhead with Dunton Green, or to join the Electoral Roll for the first time, you must apply for enrolment not later than 31 March 2013.

There are forms in the rack at the back of the Church. Would everyone wishing to be on the Electoral Roll please fill in one of these and return it to Margaret Nicholas by 31 March 2013 - a separate form for each person please; you cannot have one per household. Young people attaining the age of sixteen during the coming year are eligible to join the Electoral Roll. The new roll will come into operation on 15 April 2013.  Thank you.  Margaret Nicholas  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.