War Graves

According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission's website, there are two such graves in the Churchyard of St Mary's Church, Riverhead, Kent:



Bridget Aurea Teresa Lambarde

Bridget was a casualty of the Great War and as such she rests in a wargrave with Private Memorial in the churchyard. She was born in Ireland of an Irish mother (Florence) and the elder daughter of Major William Gore Lambarde. She had served with the Kent Reserve T.A.Voluntary Aid Detachment. She died from pneumonia whilst serving at the Royal Naval Hospital, Portland in Dorset. The death record is incorrect in that it shows her name as Auren, instead of Aurea. (Weymouth Mar Qtr 1919, 5a, 543). Her official rank was Nurse, V.A.D., Secondary Regiment: British Red Cross Society. She was 29 years old. In 1901, the family were living in Riverhead-Major Lambarde was a native of Sevenoaks, and young Bridget had a governess, a German subject - her name seems to have been 'Maddy Krugger'.

In loving memory of Bridget Aurea Teresa Lambarde, elder daughter of William Gore and Florence Lambarde of Bradbourne Hall, Riverhead, who died March 5th A.D. 1919 aged 29 years.

Location in Churchyard:  Designated as 'B2' on the Grave Locator Plan, the grave can be found just to the right at the bottom of the slope from the upper to the lower Church car park.



Arthur Robert Shingleton

Driver, 1624. 3rd Home Counties Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. While stationed at Dunton Green, died 12 February 1916; met with a fatal accident at Otford whilst trying to stop a runaway horse. Born, enlisted and resided Dover, Kent. Stepson of Elizabeth E. Shingleton. Buried Riverhead, Sevenoaks, (St. Mary) Churchyard, Kent. Grave Ref: I29. South part of Cemetery. Commemorated on the Dover, Kent civic war memorial. 

Location in Churchyard:  Designated as 'I29' on the Grave Locator Plan, the grave can be found about half way along the 4th row of graves on the right hand side after ascending to the top of the main flight of steps from the main road; the rows of graves run parallel to the western boundary that backs onto the rear of the Village Hall.


Webb Family

This is not a designated war grave, but is the grave of an entire civilian family of four, killed in their own home (44 Wickenden Road) by a V2 rocket at 04:50 on 3 March 1945. A total of 9 people were killed and 13 injured.  The Webb family comprised: father and mother, Leonard (27) and Gladys (26), and their two children, David (2) and Eidre (5m).  It is believed to have been one of the last V2 incidents of the war.

Location in Churchyard:  Designated as 'B4' on the Grave Locator Plan, the grave can be found just to the right, in a second row, at the bottom of the slope from the upper to the lower Church car park.


Ways to Give to St Mary's

There are many ways you can give to St Mary’s:

  • Regular Giving: Standing Order and Pink Envelopes;
  • Within Church;
  • Online;
  • By post;
  • Legacy.


Standing Order
Giving directly from an individual's bank account on a regular basis to the Church's bank account.

It is necessary to make a signed Declaration to put this in place, which gives the Donor's name and address, date when the giving is to start, the amount and the details of the Donor's bank account. Giving can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

Set up a Standing Order with your bank or building society using these details:

Payee:  PCC of Riverhead with Dunton Green
Payee's Bank:  CAF Bank Ltd, 5 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent  ME19 4JQ
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00024384

Or download a Regular Giving Pro Forma, including Banker's Standing Order form, here.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please also fill out a Gift Aid (multiple donation) Declaration form, which allows us to reclaim tax on any donations you make to us.

Pink Envelopes
The Pink Freewill Offering Envelopes are for people who Gift Aid their weekly payments. You will be provided with a set of 52 envelopes into which a weekly offering can be placed and then put into the collection plate at Church services.


There are two main ways of giving whilst in Church:

Collection in service
You can give to the Church when attending a service either using the offering baskets which are passed along the pews during our Sunday services, or

Yellow envelopes
If you are a tax payer and wish the church to reclaim tax on your gift then you can place your collection within a yellow envelope, which can be found on each pew. All you have to do is put your gift in the envelope and complete the details on the front of the envelope and put it into the offering baskets that are passed along the pews during the service.


Visit our charity page on BT MyDonate


Please address cheques, made payable to 'PCC of Riverhead with Dunton Green', to:

St Mary’s Church Treasurer
c/o    8 The Stables
        Wildernesse Avenue
        Kent   TN15 0ED


Text:  MARY31 £10  to 70070 


At St Mary's, we welcome all gifts in Wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference in our Parish.

Our PCC legacy policy is to use gifts to help fund significant development projects, whether buildings, equipment or staff.

Since needs change over the years, we encourage you to leave a gift in your Will for the general purposes of the Parish rather than for a restricted purpose.

We will discuss possible uses of your gift with your executors when the time comes, bearing in mind your known areas of interest in the Church (e.g. music, buildings, children and youth, overseas mission or aid) and the Church's priorities at the time.

You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry.

We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way the donor and/or his/her executors feel most appropriate too. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous if the donor prefers.

If you would like to make a gift to our Church in memoriam, please come and discuss this with us too.

It can be a wonderful and appropriate way to remember a loved one.


Time and Talents
Being part of St Mary's Church does not just mean coming to Church on Sunday, although that's a very good start! This Parish thrives because its members get involved and support the life and worship of the Church, and its role in the local community. Many people make a huge contribution by giving time, practical ability and creativity.

Sunday Club Leaders or Helpers
Leaders and Helpers are needed for the children's groups (aged 0-11) on Sundays, as are Helpers to facilitate the group. Training and support are provided.

Drivers for the housebound
Volunteers are needed to drive people to Church and home again.

We need the following help to assist at Sunday services: readers, sidespeople. We also need people to be involved in the leadership and management of the Church by becoming a member of the Parochial Church Council (PCC).

We would encourage, young or old, whatever you consider your ability, to think about helping out with the Choir. You don't have to be a 'great singer'; you don't need to read music. You'll get all the help, guidance and encouragement you need. It's a very friendly Choir and singing with other people is hugely enjoyable and fulfilling. Rehearsals are usually on a Thursday evening, but please don't let that put you off if you can't attend every time.


If you would like any further information about any of the above, please also see the information on the Contact Us page.

Ways to Give to St Mary's

There are many ways you can give to St Mary’s:

  • Regular Giving: Standing Order and Pink Envelopes;
  • Within Church;
  • By post;
  • Legacy.


Standing Order
Giving directly from an individual's bank account on a regular basis to the Church's bank account.

It is necessary to make a signed Declaration to put this in place, which gives the Donor's name and address, date when the giving is to start, the amount and the details of the Donor's bank account. Giving can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

Set up a Standing Order with your bank or building society using these details:

Payee:  PCC of Riverhead with Dunton Green
Payee's Bank:  CAF Bank Ltd, 5 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent  ME19 4JQ
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00024384

Or download a Regular Giving Pro Forma, including Banker's Standing Order form, here.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please also fill out a Gift Aid (multiple donation) Declaration form, which allows us to reclaim tax on any donations you make to us.

Pink Envelopes
The Pink Freewill Offering Envelopes are for people who Gift Aid their weekly payments. You will be provided with a set of 52 envelopes into which a weekly offering can be placed and then put into the collection plate at Church services.


There are two main ways of giving whilst in Church:

Collection in service
You can give to the Church when attending a service either using the offering baskets which are passed along the pews during our Sunday services, or

Yellow envelopes
If you are a tax payer and wish the church to reclaim tax on your gift then you can place your collection within a yellow envelope, which can be found on each pew. All you have to do is put your gift in the envelope and complete the details on the front of the envelope and put it into the offering baskets that are passed along the pews during the service.



At St Mary's, we welcome all gifts in Wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference in our Parish.

Our PCC legacy policy is to use gifts to help fund significant development projects, whether buildings, equipment or staff.

Since needs change over the years, we encourage you to leave a gift in your Will for the general purposes of the Parish rather than for a restricted purpose.

We will discuss possible uses of your gift with your executors when the time comes, bearing in mind your known areas of interest in the Church (e.g. music, buildings, children and youth, overseas mission or aid) and the Church's priorities at the time.

You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry.

We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way the donor and/or his/her executors feel most appropriate too. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous if the donor prefers.

If you would like to make a gift to our Church in memoriam, please come and discuss this with us too.

It can be a wonderful and appropriate way to remember a loved one.


Time and Talents
Being part of St Mary's Church does not just mean coming to Church on Sunday, although that's a very good start! This Parish thrives because its members get involved and support the life and worship of the Church, and its role in the local community. Many people make a huge contribution by giving time, practical ability and creativity.

Sunday Club Leaders or Helpers
Leaders and Helpers are needed for the children's groups (aged 0-11) on Sundays, as are Helpers to facilitate the group. Training and support are provided.

Drivers for the housebound
Volunteers are needed to drive people to Church and home again.

We need the following help to assist at Sunday services: readers, sidespeople. We also need people to be involved in the leadership and management of the Church by becoming a member of the Parochial Church Council (PCC).

We would encourage, young or old, whatever you consider your ability, to think about helping out with the Choir. You don't have to be a 'great singer'; you don't need to read music. You'll get all the help, guidance and encouragement you need. It's a very friendly Choir and singing with other people is hugely enjoyable and fulfilling. Rehearsals are usually on a Thursday evening, but please don't let that put you off if you can't attend every time.


If you would like any further information about any of the above, please also see the information on the Contact Us page.

Christmas Tree Festival 2014


On 5 October 2014, St Mary's acted as host Church for the 'Partner Diocese Celebration 2014', with the emphasis this year being on Rochester Diocese's links with Estonia.  

Bishop Brian welcomed friends from Estonia, and friends connected with our other Partner Dioceses in Harare (Zimbabwe), and Kondoa and Mpwapwa (Tanzania).

Bishop Brian gave a Talk about his very memorable experiences of visiting an Estonian music festival.  Revd Gustav Piir, Pastor, Church of Holy Spirit, Tallinn (Estonia) gave the Address, concentrating on the many shared experiences between our nations, and in the shared love of God. 

The service included a choral presentation given by The Estonian Choir of London (Director: Helen Aun), and the Choir of St Mary's; singing pieces separately and jointly.  Intercessions were led by representatives from our Partner Dioceses.  

You can listen to audio extracts from the service, below.



Full audio versions of the Talk and Address can be found on the Sermons page.