About the Parish

St. Mary's Church

Welcome from the church of St Mary the Virgin Riverhead in the parish of Riverhead with Dunton Green.  

As of 1 December 2019, we are part of the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry, working alongside St.Luke's, Sevenoaks and St.Mary's, Kippington.

St Mary’s church was first consecrated in 1831 and ever since then Christian worship has been offered week by week and often day by day, the building being an expression of our faith in God’s presence with us in and through all things. Over the years many people have used it as the setting for the great events, celebrations and dramas in life from birth to death and this continues today. 

As an active part of the Christian community in the Sevenoaks area today we seek to be a worshipping witnessing people, faithful in our life of prayer and service, serving the needs of our community of whatever creed or of none. Sunday worship is at the heart of our journey, or perhaps a better word pilgrimage, through life – we join together to be fed and encouraged and the worship enriches and enables us to ‘love and serve the Lord’.

From this worship there grow other activities which include such things as study groups, work with children and young people, pastoral care, and, of course, social events. We are a community involved in a diverse pattern of activities and concerns and we seek to encourage others to be involved.

Who are we?

We are the Ecclesiastical Parish of Riverhead with Dunton Green (Licensed Lay Minister Daphne Harrison, with special responsibility for St Mary the Virgin, Riverhead with Dunton Green). 

As of 1 December 2019, we are part of the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry, working alongside St.Luke's, Sevenoaks (Team Vicar, Revd Anne Bourne, with special responsibility for St Luke's) and St.Mary's, Kippington  (Team Rector - position vacant);

  • We are part of the Deanery of Sevenoaks 
  • In the Archdeaconry of Tonbridge
  • In the Diocese of Rochester 
  • In the Province of Canterbury 
  • Part of the Church of England
  • Part of the Anglican Communion
  • Part of the One Worldwide Church
