Activities & Groups

As a church, we offer many various activities that suit all age groups. This can range from Bible Study Groups for the adults to our groups for children.

We see these activities as a good way of establishing a presence within the community - something which is very important for any church. Over the years they have become increasingly popular, with more and more people sending their children to them, or the parents coming themselves.

You can explore the variety of activities we offer, with essential details and contact information by clicking on the links on the left under the "Church Groups" menu.



Details of our general services can be found listed below.

Please see the "Calendar" page or "Latest Events" to the right for weekly service information.




BCP Holy Communion at St. Mary's each Sunday morning.


Holy Communion at St. Mary's on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of each month.

During Term Time our Sunday Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.

The Children start in Church and return in time for blessing with their parents during Communion.


All-Age Worship Service on 1st Sunday of each month.

A service designed for all ages.


Morning Prayer on 3rd Sunday of each month. 




The Gathering

The Gathering meets at Dunton Green Primary School at 2:45pm on Sunday afternoons. There is a short service with children’s activities followed by refreshments afterwards. You would be most welcome to join this service.




A Midweek Service at Dunton Green Village Hall on most Thursdays, but not on the 3rd Thursday of the month. 

1st Thursday is Morning Prayer

2nd and 4th Thursday is Holy communion.



Services (2) - old

Details of our general services can be found listed below.

Please see the "Calendar" page or "Latest Events" to the right for weekly service information.




Holy Communion at St. Mary's each Sunday morning.


Parish Eucharist at St. Mary's each Sunday morning.

Family Eucharist encompassing Sunday School for Primary School children who return in time for blessing with their parents.


Family Service 1st Sunday of each month.

Especially designed to appeal to the younger congregation.





Morning Prayer at St. Mary's





Morning Prayer at St. Mary's


1662 said Communion, quiet and contemplative - celebrated at St. Mary's





Morning Prayer at St. Mary's


Holy Communion at Dunton Green Village Hall on most Thursdays, but not on 3rd Thursday


Please note:  The Vicar's day off is Friday.

Services (3) - old


Details of our general services can be found listed below.

Please see the "Calendar" page or "Latest Events" to the right for weekly service information.




Holy Communion at St. Mary's each Sunday morning.


Parish Eucharist at St. Mary's each Sunday morning.

Family Eucharist encompassing Sunday School for Primary School children who return in time for blessing with their parents.


Family Service 1st Sunday of each month.

Especially designed to appeal to the younger congregation.





Midweek Holy Communion at Dunton Green Village Hall on most Thursdays, but not on the 3rd Thursday of the month


Please note:  The Vicar's day off is Friday.

Notice Sheets & Events

News and Events information can be found in either the weekly Notice Sheet and/or the Calendar; which are the next sub-menu items.

A summary list of dates of Notable Church Services and Events for 2019 can be viewed via this link



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